Wednesday, March 11, 2009

44 Jackes

The cab driver who drove us there yesterday pronounced it Jakes...I'm going with that...

We signed the lease last night. How exciting. The only problem is I don't know how to pronounce our new address. Is it pronounced 'Jaques','Jacks' or Jakes?

Being able to communicate your address is almost as important as 'elimination communication'.

I can't wait to do laundry here...

One of the nice features of this building is the huge laundry room. We're told this room was once a pool. I think she was pulling our leg...but it does look like it could have been a pool.

And there'll be no more scrounging for loonies! WooHOO! The machines work on a card.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful though...those cards are evil...lose them and it's like dropping a 20 from your wallet. AND it's very hard to pay them off completely if they set the cost of a load at $1.57...AND they will because it's so much easier for them to raise prices like it's some kind of commodity! (the nerve)...pray there's a laundromat nearby to link you to the market...If things get really pad just start filling the pool.



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